What is that? Checking all references to the string in IDA pro we find related methods but the symbol names are mangled i.e in a format like ??_E?$_Ref_count_obj2@VCMusOrchModel@Update@SystemSettings@@@std@@UEAAPEAXI@Z so all search results are copied and pasted into an online GCC/MSVC C++ demangler here
As this is a Visual Basic application a good starting point is to monitor string comparisons / and variable comparisons. Visual Basic stores variables internally in memory as a VARIANT data type, with strings as stored as type VT_BSTR and integers as VT_I2. The variant structure is documented here and here
Ida Pro dbg String Commentor
Download: https://tinourl.com/2vBS4L
Examining the strings contained within Lab01-01.exe more closely reveals that it is referencing a file called C:\windows\system32\kerne132.dll. This is a very subtle misspelling of the legitimate Kernel32.dll file (notice the use of 1 instead of l) because of this it is likely malicious and we are able to use this to search for infected systems.
Examining the strings contained within Lab01-01.dll more closely reveals that there is what appears to be an IP address. Because of this and the network imports, it is highly likely that this DLL contacts this IP address, and as such we are able to use this to find infected systems which have contacted
At this point if we look closer into the memory strings of running svchost processes, we can see that this malware has used process replacement (more commonly known as process hollowing nowadays) to execute under the guise of a svchost process.
This could be caused by command line parameters needing to be passed to the program, it needing to fetch a particular file from a remote location, it detecting it is in a sandbox, it only targeting a particular timezone, or it only running on a specific domain. Some clues can be found by looking at the program strings.
This can be done by pressing A on the string or doing so like we did earlier with CTI30. By converting all strings to ascii we wind up with gibberish still because each element still requires the XOR function.
To figure this out we need to move into the encoding routine at 0x00401089. Here we can see a routine that loops and contains reference to an XOR command against EDX (which we know contains the random string we discovered earlier).
Based on the strings and the order they occur, we can begin to infer that explorer.exe may be what is being injected into. Further analysis of the binary in IDA reveals that the main method contains a number of checks and operations, before calling sub_401000 with a relevant processID.
Given we already have a good idea that this functions as a keylogger, we can still use some other tools to help back this theory up. For example by looking at this binary using pestudio we can immediately see this picks up on some imports and strings that help lead us to believe it acts as a keylogger.
By running strings over Lab13-01.exe we can see reference to Mozilla/4.0 and which looks to be a User Agent combined with a string that would build a URL. By running Fakenet and the executable, we can see that it beacons to a URL not shown when using strings in addition to making a GET request to a resource that looks to be Base64 encoded.
By running strings over this malware we see reference to what looks to be a custom Base64 index string, an error associated with an API, references to listing directory contents and spawning cmd.exe, a possible C2 of www.practicalmalwareanalysis.com, and reference to key and block length which seems to indicate that Base64-encoding and possible encryption is used in this binary.
Based on this and our dynamic analysis, we begin to suspect that any input, or commands sent from the C2 to cmd.exe will need to come in as a Base64-encoded string using the previously identified custom index string. To identify if this is related to the AES encryption we identified, we first need to know where AES operations are hiding. Based on our Findcrypt results in Ghidra, we know that anything labeled Td0 to Td3 is related to a decryption AES operation, and anything labeled Te0 to Te3 are related to an encryption AES operation.
Through all of this analysis we can conclude that this malware creates a reverse shell back to its C2 at www.practicalmalwareanalysis.com. Any incoming commands to the reverse shell are decoded using Base64 and a custom index string of
From this we know that the source of the URL that the malware uses for beaconing is a string contained within the resource section of this malware. As embedded resources can be easily modified this provides an advantage of allowing the C2 to change, or for this to function as a backdoor to multiple different C2 servers without having to modify and recompile the binary.
Taking our output from running the malware and our knowledge from the above analysis on custom Base64 index string used, we can decode the output and confirm this is the standard output of cmd.exe being run.
To properly unravel this we can take a closer look into sub_401000 which looks to be involved in constructing a comparison string. What is initially obvious ios that there are a number of comparisons looking for HEX characters, so it appears this may be a string obfuscation technique to make analysis more challenging.
Of interest is a couple of calls to sub_401534, prior to 2 random strings being pushed and a call to URLDownloadToFileA. By examining sub_401534 we find what looks to be a simple XOR decoding function using the value 0xFF.
At this point it is too early to determine the command-line password. A quick glance using IDA Pro reveals a wealth of information, the first being that this pushes data to the stack prior to a string comparison taking place, and second that this is contained within a .tls section of the binary which is pretty uncommon, and probably indicates that anti-debugging techniques have been used.
Opening the program usine pestudio we can see it contains some strings related to cmd.exe which looks like it may be trying to delete something, strings associated with getting access to the current window it is running within, and reference to GetTickCount which may be used for anti-debugging.
This same technique can be used at the operation before 0x4019C0 to ensure it is zero and the jump will be taken. The next jumps of interest are 0x40169F and 0x401467. 0x401467 is simple as it relies on a call to sub_401130 at 0x401450 to come back with a confirmed hit on the hash string, so by changing this call to a NOP we can bypass this check.
Opening this up in IDA we can see that the exported functions look to exist within this UPX section, in addition to what looks to be a Base64 index string, and a looping function no doubt used to unpack the program.
This immediately reveals that Stream 9 has what looks to be CVE-2008-2992. This is a Stack buffer overflow in Adobe Acrobat and Reader 8.1.2 which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a PDF file that calls the util.printf JavaScript function with a specially crafted format string argument.
Note: scdbg is able to read in our shellcode as a raw hex string, whereas shellcode_launcher requires the file to be stored as a hex dump to prevent it from interpreting the hex characters as content which still requires hex encoding. The easiest way to do this is to copy the content inside of a hex editor such as HxD and save it as a new file.
If we run strings over this executable, we can see a number of interesting entries, including what looks to be evidence this is made using C++, possible imports associated with network connections and FTP operations, and strings that indicate the program likely functions as an FTP client which is looking for .doc and .pdf files to send back to ftp.practicalmalwareanalysis.com.
If we examine 0x14000120C we can see that a string comparison looks to take place which is likely looking for very specific conditions to be met to allow the malware to run (possibly checking if it is named ocl.exe).
Using x64dbg we can easily create a breakpoint at 0x140001205 and see the two strings being compared stored in RCX and RDX. After setting a breakpoint and pressing F9, to run the program until we hit it, we can see the values being compared are the binary name (Lab21-01.exe) and the string jzm.exe.
Instead of storing the backdoor account password in clear-text, a home-grown hashing mechanism is used to obfuscate the password. Presumably, this was done so that anyone with access to an unencrypted firmware image could not login with the backdoor account just by reading the clear-text password. From an engineering perspective, the hashed password is obtained by passing the clear-text version to a proprietary utility called "vxencrypt". This utility, although undocumented, has had its hashing algorithm indexed by Google and is trivial to reverse engineer. The hashing process is basically an additive sum of all of the bytes making up the password, with some XOR thrown in for good measure, and a conversion routine to transform the final sum into a printable string. Even though VxWorks enforces a minimum password length of 8 characters (max 40), there are only around 210,000 possible hash outputs for any valid password.
The other left hand panes let you pick strings, do searches, or identify data items. Along the top to the right you can pick to see a call graph, a hex dump, the file sections (populated because this was a structured file), and information about the file itself.
You can skim through the strings or do a search. However, you can also note the address and the section (.rdata). Clicking on the sections display lets you jump to .rdata directly. From there you can find the address quickly and see the string you expect.
These decrypted strings can aid greatly in understanding this malware more in depth. The strings marked in red indicate that the malware might be downloading more artifacts off the internet and might be attempting to hide itself in traffic using legitimate looking network strings. 2ff7e9595c